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The PoArtMo Anthology (Youth Edition) Series: Celebrating Inspiration with Lauren Goulette & Pragya Gupta

Hello everyone!

Welcome to our PoArtMo Anthology (Youth Edition) Series, which celebrates the talented young creatives featured in The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition.

Today, Lauren Goulette and Pragya Gupta are telling us what inspired the poems they sent us

Lauren Goulette

Lauren Goulette (Hudson, U.S.) enjoys Lacrosse, poetry, rowing, yoga, and reading. She would like to become a human rights lawyer. “My role model is Kinsale Hueston because she incorporates a modern yet timeless outlook on her poetry reflecting ancestry and heritage.”

Lauren sent us the poem titled Flowers in My Jeans:

My poem was inspired by growing up in northern Wisconsin, surrounded by nature, and how much that meant to me and the people around me, especially toying in that childlike-awe and mystical perception of our surroundings. It is the written form of my nostalgia and recollection of youth and childhood memories. 

Lauren Goulette

Pragya Gupta

Pragya Gupta (Hapur, India) likes writing, debating and cycling, and wants to be a human rights lawyer. “Besides my mother, American Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is someone I look up to. Her enthusiasm and ability to bring about change through grassroots campaigns and policy-making is inspiring to me.”

Pragya sent us the poem titled Life:

I was eleven when I wrote my first poem. I was merely trying my hand at rhyming words and poetry happened. Little did I know it would become a part of my soul; that it would make me understand the complexities of this world and be my pillar in my teenage years.

“Life” is the poem closest to my heart. I remember writing a part of it in a garden while I manifested life from the perspective of nature, and the other one beside the window in my History class. What really inspired me to pen down this piece was my experience of getting bullied at school, blurred images of friendships, and overcoming the fatty tag. Then followed the feelings of misery, loneliness, and abandonment. I was struggling with the hypocrisy of adults, lies in casual friendships, mockery of being overweight, and constant demeaning from all sides. They say, “Whatever happens, happens for a good reason!”. My mother brought me “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho, whose preface has now become my every morning read and whose gravity continues to pull me towards its divinity. I changed school, met new people, came out of my little shell, and made a good friend. This is how “Life” was born. I had learned very important lessons of life, which I effortlessly wove into words. Now, all I hope is that the ones reading it will not be disappointed, and rather love “Life”.

Pragya Gupta

Lauren and Pragya, thank you for sharing what inspired your poems. We know that people will love your work as much as we do!

Cendrine & David

The PoArtMo Anthology (Youth Edition) Series: Celebrating Inspiration with Uma Nambiar & Ananya Bhardwaj

Hello everyone!

Welcome to our PoArtMo Anthology (Youth Edition) Series, which celebrates the talented young creatives featured in The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition.

In this mini-series, eight of them will share what inspired them to write the poems and stories that they sent us.

Let’s start with Uma Numbiar and Ananya Bhardwaj.

Uma Nambiar

Uma Nambiar (Los Angeles, U.S.) likes singing, writing and reading, and would love to become a screenwriter / writer. “My role models are my parents because they have taught me everything I know. Both of their personalities are so sweet and funny, and they teach me how to be my best self.” 

Uma sent us the poem titled Aurora’s Awakening:

I have always loved writing poetry, and the day that I wrote this poem, I wanted to write something about a specific scene. I created an image in my head, something that I deemed magical. While writing the poem, I tried my best to capture what was in my head but in words. I have always been inspired by nature, so writing about nature in this specific poem felt like a great idea. 

I was also inspired to write about how beautiful nature was, in a way that depicted it as something glittery and shiny and magical. That is why most of my poem has a lot of analogies to diamonds, pearls, etc. I have also always been intrigued by gems and jewels and stones and whatnot, so I thought it could be cool to write about that. This is what inspired me to write Aurora’s Awakening. Thank you for your consideration!

Uma Nambiar

Ananya Bhardwaj

Ananya Bhardwaj (New Delhi, India) enjoys painting, writing, cartooning, and playing the piano and guitar. She wants to become a software engineer. “My role model is Marie Curie because she was a brilliant scientist.”

Ananya sent us the poem titled Rise Again:

Sometimes, we may feel like giving up and just forget everything and never show our faces again in public. But, if anything I have learned from nature, is that it never gives up. The trees still grow. The flowers still bloom and give us beauty. And that spirit of never giving up should drive all of us.

That is what this entry is about, that even the saddest person can learn from nature. What seems like a faraway spring day, a forgotten memory will come to end the darkness as no winter lasts forever. All we must have is the patience to reach there slowly and try to find hope in the darkness.

Ananya Bhardwaj

Uma and Ananya, thank you for sharing what inspired your poems. We know that people will love your work as much as we do!

Cendrine & David

PoArtMo Anthology (Youth Edition): Cover Reveal!

Hello everyone!

Last week, we announced the names of the writers whose work will appear in The PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition.

We are very excited to continue sharing news about this amazing collection! Today is Cover Reveal Day!

Of all the covers we have designed for our anthologies, guides, and former magazines, this one is in our top 2! At first sight, it looks very simple. But the pencil mark will make you wonder what is inside—and want to open the book!

We hope that you’ll love this cover as much as we do. Let us know in the comments section below.

What Is The PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition?

The PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition is collection of poems, short stories, essays, and six-word stories written by young creatives between the ages of 13 and 16 who are living around the world.

The only other thing we really want to say is that the collection as a whole is incredible. You will be blown away by the quality and depth of each entry for sure!

What’s Next?

We are a few days away from completing the editing of the anthology, and will submit it to our distributor shortly after. We are quite confident that The PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition will be released around Christmas time.

In the meantime, we have a mini-series coming to the blog. A few of our selected writers will share what inspired the entries they submitted to us. We know that you will be very impressed with the level of maturity of these young people!

Before We Leave: Please Read the Following

  1. We have no plan to release a print version of The PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition. We may do it in the future, if at least 40 people or more request it.
  2. As mentioned in our guidelines, we do not offer free copies to selected writers. However, for the first two weeks following the release of the anthology, you will be able to purchase copies at a reduced price—50% off the regular price!
  3. The anthology will be available for purchase everywhere ebooks are sold, except on Amazon. For more information, click here and here.

We look forward to sharing further news about The PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition.

Enjoy the rest of your week and have a wonderful weekend!

Cendrine & David

PoArtMo Anthology (Youth Edition): Announcing the Names of Our Selected Writers!

Hello everyone!

We are delighted to announce the names of the writers whose work will be part of The PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition.

Congratulations to the (very) talented 28 writers listed below:

Poetry: Sofia Ahmed, Ananya Bhardwaj, John Fabiano, Lauren Goulette, Pragya Gupta, Lauren Hacke, Kusumita Kanango, Eva Larsen, Natalia Lashley, Vera Lin, Raihana Mir-White, Nimisha Mishra, Grace Mossad, Uma Nambiar, Eva Quetzal, Raj Ratan Mala, Khyati Singh, Lily Syna, Shivani Tripurani, Stella Van Buskirk and Sara Weinstein.

Stories: Anurima Biswas, Angie Greene, Kristen Lambrecht, Joshua Ng’era, Neha Varadharajan, Annabeth Wheeler and April Yu.

What Is The PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition?

The PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition is collection of poems, short stories, essays, and six-word stories written by young creatives between the ages of 13 and 16 and living around the world.

The only other thing we really want to say is that the collection as a whole is incredible. You will be blown away by the quality and depth of each entry for sure!

What’s Next?

We are done with the formatting of the anthology. We still have to edit the manuscript. When this step is completed, we will submit it to our distributor. We are quite confident that we will be able to release The PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition around Christmas time.

In the meantime, keep an eye on our blog. Next week, we will have Cover Reveal Day. The following week, we will feature a few of our selected writers, as they tell us what inspired the entries they submitted to us! How exciting!

Before We Leave: Please Read the Following

  1. We have no plan to release a print version of The PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition. We may do it in the future, if at least 40 people or more request it.
  2. As mentioned in our guidelines, we do not offer free copies to selected writers. However, for the first two weeks following the release of the anthology, you will be able to purchase copies at a reduced price—50% off the regular price!
  3. The anthology will be available for purchase everywhere ebooks are sold, except on Amazon. For more information, click here and here.

We look forward to sharing further news about The PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition.

Enjoy the rest of your week and have a wonderful weekend!

Cendrine & David

The PoArtMo Anthology Series: Interview with Lakshman Bulusu

Hello everyone!

Welcome to our PoArtMo Anthology Series, which celebrates the artists whose work appears in The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: 2021 Edition.

Today’s guest is Lakshman Bulusu, who contributed the poem titled “Sea in the Day” (A STAR poem) to our anthology.

Auroras & Blossoms: Hello Lakshman. Congratulations for being a featured artist in our anthology! How does a poem begin for you? Does it start with an image, a form, or a particular theme?

Lakshman: For me, a poem mostly begins with an image or a particular theme. And then I adapt the ideas to fit a particular form. Sometimes it is all the three – think of it like a triptych for a poem.

A&B: Tell us all about the inspiration behind “Sea in the Day” (A STAR poem), the piece that appears in The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: 2021 Edition.

Lakshman: The main inspiration behind this piece is nature and its beauty. And the way humankind can connect with nature. And this is all a positive experience, visiting the beach in early hours of morning, seeing the sun silk threads creating a gold rush, and so on. Additionally, my piece is written in the STAR poem poetic genre that I invented in 2016 and I wanted to see such a piece in this new form.

A&B: How important is accessibility of the meaning of your poems? Should we have to work hard to “solve” the poems and discover their deeper meanings?

Lakshman: To quote myself, (from one of my earlier book introductions):-

Poetry is the language of the heart.

Words voicing softly more than any art.

Most of my poems are straight forward and it should not take the reader more than reading two times to grasp the meaning conveyed. And I think I have done full justice to this aspect in my piece in this anthology. However, some poems like A MOONLIT NIGHT (published in my most recent collection of poems LOVE SCENE OR UNSEEN) might take a bit more reading to get into its theme.

A&B:Tell us the most positive and uplifting advice you have been given while working on your poetry.

Lakshman: The most positive and uplifting advice given to me while working on my poetry is:-

‘Read, read, write, read what you have written (sometimes at least twice), revise.’

Additionally, adhere to specific details in regard to content in a poem. The foundations don’t change, these being—

‘Show, don’t tell,’


‘No surprises to the writer, no surprises to the reader.’

Finally, I personally prefer to rhyme as much as I write free verse.


Lakshman Bulusu is a Princeton, New Jersey, based poet and an IT professional. His poems have been published in The Villager, The Poets’ Touchstone and Poets International.  He created the STAR poem, a poetic form, in 2016. 

Lakshman is a Barnes & Noble Educator.

Lakshman, thank you for answering our questions and supporting Auroras & Blossoms! We know that people will love your poems as much as we do!

The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: 2021 Edition is available! Click here to purchase your copy.

Cendrine & David

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