Hello folks!

That’s it, The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: 2021 Edition is finally out! And it looks beautiful!

What’s in The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: 2021 Edition?

This new volume features more than 60 pieces (poetry, six word stories, short stories, flash fiction, and visual art) created by 40+ talented contributors at every stage of their artistic careers and hailing from around the world.

Poetry: Amanda Baker, KB Ballentine, Beth Brody, Lakshman Bulusu, Claire Champommier, John Collins, Tara Dasso, Lynn DeLong, Stacie Eirich, Nicole S. Entin, Casandra Hernández Ríos, D. R. James, Emory Jones, Jackie Kirman, Virginia Kovach, Brice Maiurro, Zia Marshall, Julia McNamara, Kathryn Sadakierski, Anna Sallee, Julie A. Sellers, Wesley Sims, Giuseppe Sloan, Mike Todd, and Shelby Wilson.

Six word stories: Cindelle Ancajas, Amanda Baker, Melissa Frentsos, Lisa Marie Lopez, and Chris Slade.

Short stories and flash fiction: TR Biggar, Sharon Dockweiler, Lorraine Horsley, Smita Das Jain, Rati Pednekar, Sabiha Rizvi, Anna Sallee, and J.W. Wood.

Visual art: Azelle Elric, Theodore Heublein, Ángeles M. Pomata, Annette Solakoglu, and Justin Smith.

From the editors: a flashku and a pareiku.



Where Can I Find The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: 2021 Edition?

The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: 2021 Edition can be purchased everywhere books are sold (except for Amazon) and is available at the special price of $7.99 (instead of $9.99) until November 9, 2021.

An Important Message

To all selected contributors: We created a banner for you to proudly display anywhere you want online. Just save it to your computer / phone, then upload it to your blog, website, or social media accounts. But don’t forget to link to https://abpositiveart.com/poartmo-anthology-2, so people interested in supporting you know where to purchase their copies.

To the selected contributors who qualify for a PDF copy: You have until Monday, November 1, 2021 (11:59 pm CDT) to contact us to secure your PDF copy. We will reject requests sent to us after November 1, 2021 and you will have to purchase your own copy as a result.

Email: info@abpositiveart.com

Rule: To qualify for a PDF copy, you must have paid the full submission fee. This fee is $6 per poem / story / essay / image / two six-word stories sent to us.

Once again, we kindly ask that you stop inquiring about print copies of our anthology. Due to the high cost involved in printing books featuring visual content, we only release ebooks.

We cannot wait to read your reviews of The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: 2021 Edition. This is a very special and beautiful release and we know that you will enjoy every page!

Have a wonderful week!

David & Cendrine.