Hello everyone!

Last week was a roller coaster of emotions for us. After our announcement about Volume 2 of the PoArtMo Anthology, several people decided to withdraw their work from the publication. Others felt angry at us and let us know about it.

But most importantly, many of you reached out to show your support. We thank you for your words of encouragement and truly appreciate them.

Our Current Situation

Now, because of those last-minute withdrawals, we find ourselves with an incomplete Volume 2. But there is great news! We have quite a few entries for Volume 3. So this is what will happen: We will merge all the entries we have for Volumes 2 and 3 into one volume!

Of course, this means having to redo everything:

  • waiting for the remaining selected contributors to respond and confirm their interest in being in the PoArtMo Anthology,
  • triple-checking that the content is not already available online,
  • proofreading,
  • editing,
  • formatting,
  • re-uploading to Draft2Digital, and
  • waiting for confirmation that the ebook is good to go.

We will need several months for all those steps to be completed. Of course, we would love for everything to be done faster. But Auroras & Blossoms is volunteer work for us and this is an extra (and unplanned) workload. We have day jobs and can only do so much on our own. So, thank you for your patience!

We will update you on the anthology as soon as we are done with the formatting. In the meantime, please support us with shares to social networks and comments. 🙂

We Are Keeping the Cover!

We love the cover we revealed to you the other day. You do too! So we are not changing it. 😉

Our New Rules

Let us be very clear. Last week’s events have dire implications for us. Our account has been flagged by Amazon and Draft2Digital and we have been issued a warning. One more issue and it will be closed.

What does it mean? All our publications and books would disappear, including the books that we have released individually and as part of the PoArtMo Collective. As a result, not only would we have to start everything from scratch elsewhere, but we would also no longer be able to offer payments to our contributors. Needless to say that Auroras & Blossoms would have to close shop if this were to happen.

We would like to reiterate that we will no longer accept content that has been published elsewhere. The content you send us must be original. Because our multiple explanations of Amazon’s very restrictive rule keep falling on deaf ears, leading to our current situation, we have also decided to stop distributing our publications to Amazon.

Finally, we now require membership into our PoArtMo Collective to be able to submit to us. This is a very important step for three reasons:

  1. We vet members before allowing them to join us;
  2. We will not promote people whose behaviors go counter to what they claim they are and/or who defame or accuse us falsely; and
  3. We want our anthologies to be truly reflective of the PoArtMo concept: quality, positivity, inspiration, upliftment. Membership is free and comes with several perks. For more info, click here.

Please note that submissions to our PoArtMo Anthology are now closed for adults. We are still looking for more entries for the Youth Edition, which should blow your mind!

Thank you for reading us. Have a great week!

Cendrine & David