Welcome to our mini-series on The Auroras & Blossoms Haiku Anthology, which celebrates the poets featured in volumes 1-3.

Today, Nichola Napora and Tom Heath are telling us what inspired the haiku they sent us.

Nichola Napora

Nichola Napora is full of surprises. She shares awe and magic with effervescence and deep love. A curious writer and a multidisciplinary artist, she mixes awareness and dedication with an intuitive response to the craft at hand. She is continually evolving how she creates and interfaces with life on this amazing planet.

Website: https://www.mysticpeaks.com

Nichola has five haiku featured in Volume 1:

Connection is our medicine. Poetry, especially in short form like a haiku, is akin to a capsule of medicine. Nectar from a wildflower. The sweetness of life extracted. Writing, sharing, and reading poems is a balm for the heart, soul, and body-mind all at once. It makes my spirit sing.

This depth of connection creates a spark overflowing with reciprocity. Creativity is the new currency and when rooted in generosity it is pure magic. Auroras and Blossoms is abundant in this as they bring innovative and playful work into the world with care and intention. It is my pleasure and part of my activism to be a part of this beautiful and inspired offer to the collective.  

Tom Heath

Tom Heath is a poet and stage writer based in Nottingham, UK, who specialises in live performance fusions of music, poetry and digital art. He focuses on transforming derelict and industrial spaces into places of performance, creativity and accessibility. He is currently working on his first anthology of work.

Website: https://thepennydream.wordpress.com

Tom has ten haiku featured in Volume 1:

I often struggle to express myself because I don’t focus on the small things enough. The unnoticed and the tiny movements of the everyday speak volumes. That’s what I find so liberating about Haiku, and how I went about writing these pieces as a way to embrace that.

Nichola and Tom, thank you for sharing what inspired your haiku. We are honored that you sent us your work.

See you next week for the next instalment in our series.

In the meantime, don’t forget to pick up your copy of The Auroras & Blossoms Haiku Anthology: Volume 1!

Cendrine & David