Tag: sixku

‘Rhythm Flourishing: A Collection of Kindku and Sixku’ now available in print!

Hello everyone!

When we released Rhythm Flourishing: A Collection of Kindku and Sixku last year, many of you asked if there would ever be a print version.

At the time, we said no. The reason was simple: Books featuring visual content are very expensive to print and (hence) to sell.

Some of you mentioned that you really wanted to own a physical copy of that book—no matter the price involved. As a result, we did some research and found out that Blurb, the POD that Cendrine uses for her photography collections, actually offers a (much) cheaper option than coffee table books.

So here we are! Rhythm Flourishing: A Collection of Kindku and Sixku is now available in print (softcover / hardcover) and as an ebook!

More information about Rhythm Flourishing: A Collection of Kindku and Sixku

Rhythm Flourishing: A Collection of Kindku and Sixku

Welcome to a very special collection of positive poetry that embraces elements of nature, romantic ideals, and inspirational vibes.

Rhythm Flourishing: A Collection of Kindku and Sixku showcases two unique, brand-new poetry forms created by Cendrine Marrouat and David Ellis, the co-founders of Auroras & Blossoms, a platform celebrating positivity and inspiration in art.

By taking elements of found poetry and Japanese poetry forms, Cendrine and David have developed a style of poetry known as the Kindku. The collection also features a selection of gorgeous images and poems from Cendrine’s own visual poetry form — the Sixku.

Enjoy a divine series of poems inspired by a variety of well-known poets including Elizabeth Bishop, Emily Dickinson, John Keats, Emma Lazarus, William Wordsworth, Lord Byron, William Butler Yeats, Christina Rossetti, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Maya Angelou, Sara Teasdale, Pablo Neruda and many others.

Learn how to write your very own Kindku and Sixku by reading this book and when you are done, consider submitting them to Auroras & Blossoms for publication.

Download an extract from the book here.

Available at Amazon, Kobo, Apple, Scribd, Angus & Robertson, Indigo-Chapters, Barnes & Noble, and MORE!


“It is amazing how, in just a few lines, Marrouat and Ellis manage to describe their inner worlds, hidden realities, complex emotions, literary inspirations and aspirations all at once, while successfully connecting those vital pieces of their life/poetical fabric into a meaningful whole and leaving the reader feeling uplifted.” – Ana Savković (ZiN Daily)

“This delectable concoction of Haiku-inspired poetry forms- Sixku & Kindku, ticks all the aesthetic boxes. It’s always a challenge to express oneself succinctly, but this instructive & picturesque book has achieved precisely that. For lovers of poetry in all its forms, this book is delightfully designed with poems interspersed with scenic photographs by one of the co-authors Cendrine Marrouat herself.” – Grasshopper Bot

“Cendrine Marrouat and David Ellis inspire and sooth in their brand new type of poetry book Rhythm Flourishing! This book introduces two new poetry types developed by the authors: the Kindku and the Sixku. The Kindku has a syllable scheme similar to Japanese poetry and explores positive messages while the Sixku is more of a visual poetry style. It is so much fun exploring a new type of poetry (with a super catchy rhythm) and I loved the overwhelming positivity of the poems in this book! Poet or non, come find some inspiration and joy in the upbeat musings of Marrouat and Ellis!” – Joshua Grant

“We all need a bit of positivity in our life, and this beautiful collection of poetry and photography has it in spades.” – Ritu Bhathal

The PoArtMo Prompt – May 2021

The PoArtMo Prompt is a monthly series with a twist. Submissions can only be sixku, kindku, pareiku, or flashku, the forms that we invented.

What’s in it for you? Well, the chance to be featured in a future issue of our magazine or even in a future anthology!

This month’s prompt is “Close to the ground”.

Imagine being an insect or tiny animal. What kind of stories would you have to share with us about the world around you?

Remember: If you choose to write a pareiku then you will need to use two copyright free images to inspire your piece. Here are two images that you can freely use.

Image credits: Cendrine Marrouat

Click on an image to learn more about our forms.

To participate, follow the rules below:

1. If it is your first time on our website, please read our FAQ to understand our submission process.

2. Submission deadline: May 31, 2021.

3. Only inspirational / positive / family-friendly art. No politics, no swear words, no erotica.

4. Send us your Sixku, Kindku, Pareiku, or Flashku for potential inclusion in our PoArtMo Anthology.

Submit to our PoArtMo Anthology


Stay inspired, friends!

David & Cendrine

Announcing the Flashku!

The Flashku

Hello folks!

Cendrine recently created a new literary genre that fits perfectly what we do at Auroras & Blossoms. We believe that its uniqueness will appeal to many of you! It’s called the Flashku.

The flashku is a short flash fiction piece that borrows elements from the sixku, the kindku, and the haiku. So, basically, it’s poetic prose!

How does it work? The rules are very simple:

  1. 50-100 words only.
  2. 7 words must be taken from another piece (credits mandatory)
  3. Inspired by an image (permission and credits mandatory)
  4. Minimal descriptions
  5. Climax at about 80% through the piece (not a hard rule, just a way to guide your writing)
  6. Positive / inspirational twist or resolution at the end

That’s it!

Here is an example of flashku

The Puddle

When they greeted each other, she asked herself if it was love. 

Suddenly, the reflection in the puddle was disturbed. “Pitter-patter,” said the rain. They smiled

“The garden is not far. Just at the end of the road,” he said, gently inviting her to follow him. Their wanderings together always were a unique source of comfort. So, she jumped over the puddle… 

Mesmerized by the crackling fire, she remembered the silence of their first kiss. 

And now, a lifetime later, as they looked at each other, she finally knew. 


© 2021 Cendrine Marrouat

Flashku inspired by Kahlil Gibran’s The Wanderer

Image credits: Cendrine Marrouat

We hope that you will enjoy experimenting with this very unique literary genre. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Thanks for reading and as always, happy writing!

Cendrine & David

Announcement: Upcoming Release of ‘Rhythm Flourishing: A Collection of Kindku and Sixku’!

Rhythm Flourishing: A Collection of Kindku and Sixku

Ever since announcing the Kindku, our poetry form, we have been blown away by your feedback. Some of you dived right in and sent us beautiful poems. Others are very intrigued but want to see more examples before they give the Kindku a try.

(The same goes for Cendrine’s form — the Sixku.)

Today, we are very excited to announce the upcoming release of our new book, which, we hope, will inspire you to write kindku and sixku poetry on a regular basis!

Rhythm Flourishing: A Collection of Kindku and Sixku is a multimedia project that features positive and uplifting poems inspired by a bunch of major writers (e.g., Elizabeth Bishop, John Keats, Lord Byron, Christina Rossetti, Maya Angelou, Pablo Neruda); as well as some great photography.

Rhythm Flourishing: A Collection of Kindku and Sixku will be released on September 3, 2020. You can pre-order your copy for $6.99 $3.99 until then.

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