Hello everyone!

That’s it, folks! The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3 is officially out!

This edition of our yearly anthology features a variety of works by four contributors: Azelle Elric (drawings), Meaghan Beatty (essays), David Ellis (poetry), and Cendrine Marrouat (poetry).

Check out our video trailer below.

The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3 is available for purchase everywhere ebooks are sold (except for Amazon). We cannot wait for you to tell us what you think! Don’t forget to send us your reviews or share them online. Goodreads is a great start!

Click HERE to order your copy!

NB: When you purchase a copy of the anthology, you will not just support Auroras & Blossoms. Every contributor will also be remunerated in the form of royalty payment.

As a reminder, we only publish ebooks. The cost of releasing print books that contain visual content is too high, which would make our anthologies too expensive for most readers to buy.

Do you want to help us spread the word about the anthology? Save the banner below and add it to your blog, website or social media posts. Make sure you link to the book: https://books2read.com/poartmo-anthology-3.

Thank you all for your support! Have a wonderful end of week.