Tag: FAQ Page 1 of 3

Update to Last Week’s Announcement

Hello everyone!

Last week was a roller coaster of emotions for us. After our announcement about Volume 2 of the PoArtMo Anthology, several people decided to withdraw their work from the publication. Others felt angry at us and let us know about it.

But most importantly, many of you reached out to show your support. We thank you for your words of encouragement and truly appreciate them.

Our Current Situation

Now, because of those last-minute withdrawals, we find ourselves with an incomplete Volume 2. But there is great news! We have quite a few entries for Volume 3. So this is what will happen: We will merge all the entries we have for Volumes 2 and 3 into one volume!

Of course, this means having to redo everything:

  • waiting for the remaining selected contributors to respond and confirm their interest in being in the PoArtMo Anthology,
  • triple-checking that the content is not already available online,
  • proofreading,
  • editing,
  • formatting,
  • re-uploading to Draft2Digital, and
  • waiting for confirmation that the ebook is good to go.

We will need several months for all those steps to be completed. Of course, we would love for everything to be done faster. But Auroras & Blossoms is volunteer work for us and this is an extra (and unplanned) workload. We have day jobs and can only do so much on our own. So, thank you for your patience!

We will update you on the anthology as soon as we are done with the formatting. In the meantime, please support us with shares to social networks and comments. 🙂

We Are Keeping the Cover!

We love the cover we revealed to you the other day. You do too! So we are not changing it. 😉

Our New Rules

Let us be very clear. Last week’s events have dire implications for us. Our account has been flagged by Amazon and Draft2Digital and we have been issued a warning. One more issue and it will be closed.

What does it mean? All our publications and books would disappear, including the books that we have released individually and as part of the PoArtMo Collective. As a result, not only would we have to start everything from scratch elsewhere, but we would also no longer be able to offer payments to our contributors. Needless to say that Auroras & Blossoms would have to close shop if this were to happen.

We would like to reiterate that we will no longer accept content that has been published elsewhere. The content you send us must be original. Because our multiple explanations of Amazon’s very restrictive rule keep falling on deaf ears, leading to our current situation, we have also decided to stop distributing our publications to Amazon.

Finally, we now require membership into our PoArtMo Collective to be able to submit to us. This is a very important step for three reasons:

  1. We vet members before allowing them to join us;
  2. We will not promote people whose behaviors go counter to what they claim they are and/or who defame or accuse us falsely; and
  3. We want our anthologies to be truly reflective of the PoArtMo concept: quality, positivity, inspiration, upliftment. Membership is free and comes with several perks. For more info, click here.

Please note that submissions to our PoArtMo Anthology are now closed for adults. We are still looking for more entries for the Youth Edition, which should blow your mind!

Thank you for reading us. Have a great week!

Cendrine & David

Special Announcement: Update to Our Rules

Hello folks,

Today was supposed to be a joyous day for us. We were going to announce the release date for Volume 2 of the PoArtMo Anthology—September 27, 2021.

Unfortunately, something happened that forced us to postpone the release for now. We wanted to tell you about it, so you know what is going on.

We love giving inspirational people an opportunity to be seen. In fact, this is the main purpose of our platform.

When you submit to us, you are automatically bound by rules and guidelines that are in place to ensure a smooth publication process. Unfortunately, for the last 18 months, we have had to deal with abuse of our guidelines, time, and efforts.

The two rules that get abused almost constantly are:

  • Content previously published elsewhere
  • Simultaneous submissions

We have explained those rules so many times that we could write a book on the topic. Still, most people choose not to follow them. This is getting very tiring to say the least.

What Happened

When we submitted the volume for publication to our distributor, we received the following notification in our inbox.

This problem happened before, so we were quite surprised. We emailed Draft2Digital right away to figure out who the culprit(s) was/were. As always, D2D was very responsive:


There are portions of your book found on the web. Once such location was this, [link]

Please keep in mind that this may not be the only place portions of your book can be found online as our system may return different results each time, and with our Amazon distribution, we cannot send anything that has been posted online for free. We must strictly enforce this rule with Amazon and will not be able to submit books which have portions of it posted on the internet. 

D2D was even more specific when we asked for additional information:


After several rescans of the book that appears to be the only link that continues to come up.  That said, if our scans are finding a few, Amazon’s scans will find ALL. They have much more robust scans than we do. As such, you must make it very clear to every person who wishes to include content in this anthology that they need to scrub any and all content that is posted freely available online from either the online source, or from within the book. Once our scans no longer detect any portion as being freely available online, we can submit it Amazon, however, if Amazon’s scans find any portion freely available online, they will not only flag the book and block it, but they’ll flag our account as well. As such, we’d ultimately remove your Amazon access entirely and prevent any future listings from being submitted to Amazon through our service, as well as delist any past titles live on Amazon due to non-compliance. Amazon takes a very harsh stance on this, and has it written into our contracts that we are not permitted to submit content that is freely available online, and that doing so risks our entire Amazon account.

If you are uncertain about the availability of the content, we recommend you submit through a direct KDP account because Amazon allows up to 5% to be freely available online as part of their marketing and promotional efforts when posting on a direct KDP account. Through an aggregate service, it’s 0%.

What Happened Next?

We emailed the culprit right away to let them know what was going on and how this situation inconvenienced everyone involved in the anthology, including other contributors. Instead of a simple apology, the person chose the confrontational approach. They said that we did not do our jobs as editors and that we were spreading false information about Amazon. They admitted to lying about submitting to other publications and also asked us to remove their piece.

Now What?

Removing the piece implies that all our formatting and layout are now off and that we have to redo everything—hence throwing dozens of hours of work out of the window. Another option is to include a selected piece from Volume 3 into Volume 2. But overall, this means that we cannot publish Volume 2 just yet. To be honest, the whole thing could take weeks. We are both extremely busy and Auroras & Blossoms is volunteer work.

(Another issue that may arise is the potential flagging of our account with our distributor, resulting in us not being able to publish the anthology at all…)

No matter how everything ends, we find this situation absolutely unacceptable. It also saddens us a great deal. As a result, we have made two decisions:

  • The culprit is forever banned from submitting to us; and
  • From now on, we will only consider original content. You can no longer submit content that has been previously published, no matter where it appears—blogs, websites, forums, Instagram, Facebook (public / private pages, profiles, groups), Pinterest, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Wattpad, etc.

We know this is a harsh decision. Unfortunately, we do not have a choice anymore.

Auroras & Blossoms is dedicated to promoting quality content and rewarding contributors for their hard work. We can no longer condone behaviors that jeopardize our reputation. We care about your work too much to let that happen.

Thank you for reading us. Have a great weekend!

Cendrine & David

The FAQ Series: How Do I Achieve the 300 ppi Resolution You Ask for Images?

Many of you have sent us the same questions over and over via email. That is why we created a very detailed FAQ and Philosophy pages to help you.

But we wanted to make things even easier by breaking down all the questions into easy-to-digest posts.

Today’s question is: “How do I achieve the 300 ppi resolution you ask for images?

Here are two solutions for you:

Option 1: Use a camera that allows you to take photos in the RAW format. Then, open your image with Lightroom or Photoshop and export / save it as a JPG or JPEG file, selecting 300 ppi (resolution), sRGB (color space) and 1,500 px (long edge).

See photo below: 

Option 2: Scan your work at a high resolution (e.g. 600 pixels per inch). Save it as a TIFF file. Then, open your image with Lightroom or Photoshop and export / save it as a JPG or JPEG file, selecting 300 ppi (resolution), sRGB (color space) and 1,500 px (long edge).

Why do you require images that are 300 ppi (resolution), 1,500 pixels on the longer side and less than 5MB in size?

Most smartphones, tablets and point-and-shoot cameras offer a maximum resolution of 72 dpi. Our digital anthologies will be available for purchase from many online stores and platforms like Kobo require 300 ppi for optimal display. Also, some distributors have file size limits, which means that ebook files exceeding a certain size will not be accepted. Furthermore, heavier files incur extra costs, which would force us to increase prices.

Thanks for reading and be sure to check out our latest submission calls!

The FAQ Series: Do You Accept Simultaneous Submissions?

Many of you have sent us the same questions over and over via email. That is why we created a very detailed FAQ and Philosophy pages to help you.

But we wanted to make things even easier by breaking down all the questions into easy-to-digest posts.

Today’s question is: “Do you accept simultaneous submissions?

No, we do not. Here is why.

We know that simultaneous submissions are standard practices in the online magazine/journal industry. Unfortunately, we are not a standard platform; we are actually an exclusive digital content provider.

Every submission we receive takes us between thirty minutes and a couple of hours to review/discuss. This is time we cannot spend on other things, including other submissions. The more entries we receive, the heavier the workload. This means often having to work well into the weekends and late at night.

This, in itself, is fine of course. The real issue is when you withdraw your work because it has been accepted elsewhere. It means that our time was wasted.

What is even worse is when artists do not respond to our emails and suddenly decide to withdraw their submissions as soon as the anthology is ready for publication. It has happened to us on more than one occasion.

That is the reason why we do not accept simultaneous submissions. Furthermore, no amount of pressure will get us to change this decision, so be sure to send us material that is not being shared elsewhere if you want us to seriously consider your submission for publication.

See you soon for another topic covered in our FAQ series and don’t forget to check out our latest submission calls!

The FAQ Series: Do You Accept Content Previously Published Elsewhere?

Many of you have sent us the same questions over and over via email. That is why we created a very detailed FAQ and Philosophy pages to help you.

But we wanted to make things even easier by breaking down all the questions into easy-to-digest posts.

Today’s question is: “Do you accept content previously published elsewhere?

Yes, we do, as long as:

  • It is NOT widely available on the internet via a blog (no matter its size and traffic), Facebook, Twitter, Wattpad, etc. – This rule is due to Amazon’s restrictions.
  • The rights have reverted back to you for publication and you are allowed to re-publish your piece(s). However, we ask that you wait for at least a year after the rights revert back to you before sending it to us.

You are free to submit your art elsewhere that is published in our anthologies. You retain all of the publishing rights to your work. We ask for first international publication rights to your work that we publish, which then revert back to you after three months.

NB: We will never use your work in any context other than its inclusion in our digital anthologies, which you give us permission to do when submitting work to us.

See you soon for another topic covered in our FAQ series and don’t forget to check out our current submission calls!

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