Hello everyone!

Welcome to our PoArtMo Anthology (Youth Edition) Series, which celebrates the talented young creatives featured in The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition.

Today, Eva Quetzal and Shivani Tripurani are telling us what inspired the poems they sent us

Eva Quetzal

Eva Quetzal (Denver, U.S.) enjoys rock climbing, watercolor painting, and protesting. She would like to become an artist and work for a human rights organization. “My Abuelita is my role model because she is full of sunshine and is the most generous person I know.”

Eva sent us the poem titled We are the young dreamers:

I wrote the first lines of this poem as an almost chant that I’ll say when biking up the hill to my house. For the rest, I wanted to convey my hope in my generation. I feel there’s so much work to be done.

Eva Quetzal

Shivani Tripurani

Shivani Tripurani (Hyderabad, India) loves reading, music and dancing, and wants to pursue a career in the creative field. “Artists such as Halsey, who promote poetry and music, have been huge inspirations. I love her uplifting music and style.”

Shivani sent us the poem titled Candied Melanin:

“Candied Melanin” is a written potpourri of pride and honest hope that addresses people of colour. Our skin colour only reveals so much of our story. Through this poem, I do not want to tell the world to acclimatize their vision to discern the differences in people’s complexion; rather, I want the world to harden their perspective to realise that red bleeds beneath all of our melanin – marginalized community or not. I was inspired to write this poem, because culture and heritage are something I grew up nurturing, and I intend to savour it and mould it into everything new I learn and unlearn every day. The best way for me to share this message is through a few metaphors and rhymes, so I truly hope that whatever the interpretation, “Candied Melanin” can make us a tad bit more accepting, respectful, and united.

Shivani Tripurani

Eva and Shivani, thank you for sharing what inspired your poems. We know that people will love your work as much as we do!

Cendrine & David