The PoArtMo Prompt is a monthly series with a twist. Submissions can only be sixku, kindku, pareiku, or flashku, the forms that we invented.
What’s in it for you? Well, the chance to be featured in a future issue of our magazine or even in a future anthology!
This month’s prompt is “Close to the ground”.
Imagine being an insect or tiny animal. What kind of stories would you have to share with us about the world around you?
Remember: If you choose to write a pareiku then you will need to use two copyright free images to inspire your piece. Here are two images that you can freely use.

Image credits: Cendrine Marrouat
Click on an image to learn more about our forms.
To participate, follow the rules below:
1. If it is your first time on our website, please read our FAQ to understand our submission process.
2. Submission deadline: May 31, 2021.
3. Only inspirational / positive / family-friendly art. No politics, no swear words, no erotica.
4. Send us your Sixku, Kindku, Pareiku, or Flashku for potential inclusion in our PoArtMo Anthology.
- If you decide to send us different images instead of using the ones we provide, ensure that you have permission to use them. We also require that said images are not widely available on the Internet. Finally, they must meet the following requirements: 300 ppi (resolution), 1,500 pixels on the longer side and less than 5MB in size.
- We do not accept simultaneous submissions.
Stay inspired, friends!
David & Cendrine
We love comments!