Hello folks,

The Inspirational Art Series seeks to highlight classical pieces that make our hearts skip a beat, are likely to brighten your day, and will help your artistic creativity!

Today’s pick is the painting titled “Path through a Field of Bluebonnets” (1920s).

Also known as “the father of Texas painting”, Robert Julian Onderdonk (1882-1922) painted many bluebonnet landscapes in his career. The oil painting above is one of his most famous pieces.

“Path through a Field of Bluebonnets” is a very charming painting. The simplicity of the brushwork helps establish a dreamy (albeit otherworldly) atmosphere, which the viewer is invited to step into at their leisure. The bluebonnets feels so close that you could almost smell and touch them!

“Path through a Field of Bluebonnets” has a very photography-like quality.

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