We are delighted to announce the names of all the contributors to the third volume of our PoArtMo Anthology.

Here they are below:

  • Azelle Elric (drawings)
  • Meaghan Beatty (essays)
  • David Ellis (poetry)
  • Cendrine Marrouat (poetry)

If you wonder why there are only four names, here is the answer.

This year, we realized that the artists working with us deserved more room within our pages. We wanted readers to get better acquainted with their work.

Since the space is limited in each volume, we figured that it might be a good idea to lower the number of contributors, while allowing each of them to submit more than three pieces to us.

After careful consideration, we settled for a total of four artists for this volume.

Of all the people who sent us work between January and June, Azelle and Meaghan were clear winners. Their pieces tick all the boxes for us: family-friendly, inspirational, and uplifting despite a few heavy topics.

While I LOVE the previous two volumes of the PoArtMo Anthology, this upcoming opus is my favorite because of the great balance between written and visual content it contains. Needless to say that David and I are very happy about our decision!

What’s next for the PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3?

Right now, we are putting the finishing touches to our book cover. We should be ready to share the result with you next week. I cannot wait to show you!

In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your week.

Thank you for reading!