Category: Positive Art Listings

Positive Art Listings (04/26/2021)

Hello folks!

As anthology editors, we believe that it is important to support fellow artists and editors. Welcome to our Positive Art Listings!

The Positive Art Listings have a simply goal, and it is to help your submission calls and artistic events to reach a larger audience. They will be published once a month in the form of a post on our blog.

NB: We vet every call we receive to ensure that it is family-friendly. However, we are not responsible for the content published by other magazines and platforms. As always, read guidelines carefully before submitting.

Current Positive Art Listings

ZiN Daily

Founded in 2017, ZiN Daily strives for truthfulness, authenticity and understanding, and encourages and emphasizes the role that literature and other arts have in society, the world and the lives of individuals. They view literature and art as testaments of anguish and catalysts for progress.

Call for submissions: ZiN Daily is open for submissions year-round. They accept prose, poetry, essays, reviews, excerpts, translations, art and photography from established and emerging writers.

Deadline: All-year long.

Submission fee: No.

Payment to selected artists: No.

Special note: ZiN Daily asks for worldwide first publication rights. Work must be previously unpublished (in print or online) with the exception of the original text of a translation. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but send courtesy email notifying them if the work has been accepted elsewhere.



Sledgehammer Lit

Launched in March 2021, Sledgehammer is the new lit mag on the block that aims to publish poetry and flash daily.

Call for submissions: We are looking for exuberant writing. We appreciate technicolour imagery, geographical settings brought to life, acrobatic turns of phrase. Show us the beauty within the ugliness. Peel back the layers of an onion to reveal hidden truths. Give us an gritty realism with a side dish of vulnerability. Give us sincere sarcasm. Give us something funny. Be yourself, quirks and all.

Feel free to experiment. Throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks.

We want to be your Sledgehammer.

Deadline: Ongoing.

Submission fee: No.

Payment to selected artists: No.

Special note: Simultaneous submissions accepted. No previously published material. BIPOC / LGBTQ+ / marginalized creators welcome.

Guidelines and submissions:

All My Relations

All My Relations is an art and lit, online and printed magazine, exploring the theme of familial (blood, adopted, affirming, community, or other “family”) loss or ancestry, prioritizing traditionally marginalized creators, but open to all.

Call for submissions: We are looking for honest pieces reflecting on your ancestors, pieces commemorating your memories (or imaginations if memories don’t exist) of lost elders and/or relatives (whoever your relatives are to you), pieces exploring the myriad of feelings that come with loss, pieces explaining rituals (either cultural or adopted) that help you cope with loss or honor your relatives, etc. We are looking for pieces that honor your lost, honor your journey through loss, and/or aid in communal healing.

Deadline: June 1, 2021, or until maximum number of pages has been reached.

Submission fee: No.

Payment to selected artists: Only to BIPOC, gender variant, and disabled submitters.

Special note: One written piece or piece of artwork per person accepted. Response within a month. Simultaneous submissions and previously published work accepted. 



Inertia Teens

Intertia Teens is an online platform for mental health awareness and a place where teens can share their feelings and thoughts.

Call for submissions: We are looking for submissions (creative nonfiction, fiction, haikus, poems, plays, spoken word, artwork, photography, collage, and etc.) for the first issue of our literary magazine. The theme is feelings. We want teens and young adults to share their stories whether written in quarantine or anything that reflects the power of emotions and feelings.

Deadline: N/A.

Submission fee: No.

Payment to selected artists: No.

Special note: Written pieces should not exceed 10,000 words. Simultaneous submissions accepted. No work promoting homophobia, transphobia, bigotry, misogyny, sexism, or racism.

Guidelines and submissions:


Lupercalia Press invites and amplifies the voices of transgender and queer creatives. In order to de-stigmatize and celebrate the transgender body, and work toward achieving trans/queer equity, we enthusiastically publish chapbooks of poetry/prose/visual art/hybrids that focus on celebration, excess and sexuality by anyone who self-identifies as transgender or queer.

Call for submissions: New press publishing chapbooks for LGBTQ authors and artists.

LUPERCALIA press will showcase art and writing by trans and queer creators that focuses on themes of transgender and queer sex/sexuality/excess/celebration. We do not have any strict definition of how trans or queer manifests in your personal identity, nor do we want to be gatekeepers. If you say you are trans or queer, we believe and accept that in you.

We are always looking to highlight the voices of BIPOC communities, and those who have been traditionally marginalized from the literary world.

We are not looking for racism, homophobia, transphobia, ciscentrism, sex worker exclusionary language, femmephobia, anti-semitism, islamophobia, fatphobia, ageism, classism, ableism, etc.

Deadline: We read submissions from 4/15/21 to 7/15/21. We will provide full feedback and notification of acceptance or denial by 8/15/21.

Submission fee: No.

Payment to selected artists: $20/chapbook with a hardcover, hand pressed author’s copy. The print runs for 1 year.

Special note: Simultaneous submissions and previously published work accepted, so long as the previous publisher has given you permission to reprint.

Guidelines and submissions:

Tint Journal

Tint Journal is the first online literary journal with an explicit focus on writers who produce creative texts in English as their second or non-native language.

Tint showcases original fiction and nonfiction creations by ESL writers including short prose, flash as well as poetry. In view of the diverse backgrounds of our contributing writers, any subject matter which does not violate our values of acceptance and inclusivity is welcome. The journal also features audio recordings of the writers reading their work.

Additionally, English writers of any kind are asked to contribute interviews with and profiles of ESL writers, as well as reviews of pieces written by ESL writers.

Call for submissions: We are looking for poetry, essays, flash fiction, flash fiction, and short stories by ESL writers for our next issue. We are also looking for visual art to accompany the written work.

Deadline: Submission deadline May 30, 2021.

Submission fee: No.

Payment to selected artists: No.

Special note: Unpublished work only. Simultaneous submissions allowed, just let us know if your work is accepted elsewhere.

Guidelines and submissions:

Our Current Submission Calls at Auroras & Blossoms

The PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 2

After our very successful first edition, the PoArtMo Anthology is back! We want your most inspirational art created in 2019-2021.

We accept poetry, poetry-graphy, photography, short stories, six word stories, essays, flash fiction, drawings and paintings. New this year: A second anthology featuring works dedicated to 13-16 year-old artists!

Deadline for submissions: December 31, 2021.

Submission fee: $6 per piece or $15 for three pieces.

Payment to selected artists: Ongoing royalties.

Other perks: Complimentary PDF copy + interview on our blog or PoArtMo Show.

Submissions and guidelines:

The Written in a Flash Anthology

Written in a Flash Anthology: A Collection of Positive Stories is a new project that seeks to highlight the most inspirational / positive short stories and flash fiction pieces created in 2019-2021.

Genres accepted: thriller, mystery, fantasy, science-fiction, historical fiction, contemporary fiction, young adult, humor, and nonfiction.

Deadline for submissions: December 31, 2021.

Submission fee: $6 per piece or $15 for three pieces.

Payment to selected artists: Ongoing royalties.

Other perks: Complimentary PDF copy + interview on our blog or PoArtMo Show.

Submissions and guidelines:

Have a Call for Submissions / Artistic Event to Promote?

We look forward to reading you.

David & Cendrine

Positive Art Listings (02/25/2021)

Hello folks!

As magazine and anthology editors, we believe that it is important to support fellow artists and editors. Welcome to our Positive Art Listings!

The Positive Art Listings have a simply goal, and it is to help your submission calls and artistic events to reach a larger audience. They will be published once a month in the form of a post on our blog.

NB: We vet every call we receive to ensure that it is family-friendly. However, we are not responsible for the content published by other magazines and platforms. As always, read guidelines carefully before submitting.

Current Positive Art Listings

ZiN Daily

Founded in 2017, ZiN Daily strives for truthfulness, authenticity and understanding, and encourages and emphasizes the role that literature and other arts have in society, the world and the lives of individuals. They view literature and art as testaments of anguish and catalysts for progress.

Call for submissions: ZiN Daily is open for submissions year-round. They accept prose, poetry, essays, reviews, excerpts, translations, art and photography from established and emerging writers.

Deadline: all-year long.

Submission fee: No

Payment to selected artists: No

Special note: ZiN Daily asks for worldwide first publication rights. Work must be previously unpublished (in print or online) with the exception of the original text of a translation. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but send courtesy email notifying them if the work has been accepted elsewhere.



Floresta Magazine

Floresta (meaning ‘forest’ in Portuguese) was established in 2020 by a Woman of Colour who wanted to create a space to showcase the variety and depth of perspectives, projects, work, and art being done by women centred on and around the environment.

Call for submissions: In line with the environmental themes of Floresta, they are looking for visual work that explores ‘nature’ in relation to the theme of ‘lockdown’.

Has your relationship with nature changed or become more significant? Has nature become a sanctuary, an escape or a border? Has nature taken on human-like characteristics and acted as a companion or confidant?

Submissions are not limited to these questions, they are prompts, but your work must interact, incorporate, reflect or explore the theme, as you interpret it. (Your work does not have to have been created during the periods of lockdown.)

Deadline: February 1-28, 2021.

Submission fee: not mentioned.

Payment to selected artists: not mentioned, feature in online exhibition.

Special note: Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Original work only, up to 2 separate works. All forms of visual work considered: photography, photo series/ photo diaries, video, film, collage, paintings, renders, AR. Women artists only.


Pareidolia Literary

Pareidolia Literay is a new journal for pattern-finders. They accept poetry, short and flash fiction, creative nonfiction, memoir, essays, criticism, reviews, visual art, and media art. They believe in inclusion, uplifting underrepresented and emerging artists and authors, ethical operation, mutual aid, fostering community, and transparency.

Call for submissions: Pareidolia Literary’s Vol. 1: Still life

Deadline: February 21, 2021.

Submission fee: No – donations accepted to help supporting operating fees.

Payment to selected artists: No

Special note: Simultaneous submissions accepted (let them know if you are accepted elsewhere before decisions are sent). Previously unpublished work only (exception: artists affected by Violet & the Bird.)


Exeter Publishing

Exeter Publishing is an independent publishing company whose aim is to shine light on emerging artists of all backgrounds and mediums.

Call for submissions: Volume 1 of their digital chapbook series. Theme: UNSPOKEN. Focus on flash fiction (in first, second, or third person POV).

What’s something you’ve always wanted to say but never could? What if you’d said something earlier – would things have turned out the way they did? Is this a piece borrowing from truth? Or is it entirely fictional? This is your time to explore the uncertain!

Deadline: April 4, 2021.

Submission fee: US$2

Payment to selected artists: No, but free digital copies of publication + feature on Exeter Publishing’s website and social media accounts.

Special note: Simultaneous submissions accepted (reach out to them if your work is accepted to another publication that doesn’t accept previously published work).


Our Current Submission Call

The PoArtMo Anthology : 2021 Edition

After our very successful first edition, the PoArtMo Anthology is back! We want your most inspirational art created in 2021.

We accept poetry, poetry-graphy, photography, short stories, six word stories, essays, flash fiction, drawings and paintings. New this year: A second anthology featuring works dedicated to 13-16 year-old artists!

Deadline for submissions: December 31, 2021

Submission fee: $4 per piece.

Payment to selected artists: ongoing royalties.


Have a Call for Submissions / Artistic Event to Promote?

We look forward to reading you.

David & Cendrine

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