Many of you have sent us the same questions over and over via email. That is why we created a very detailed FAQ and Philosophy pages to help you.
But we wanted to make things even easier by breaking down all the questions into easy-to-digest posts.
Today’s question is: “Do I have to answer your emails if my work is accepted?“
You do not have to, but it would be nice to hear from you.
If you have not emailed us back within 14 days, we will consider that as a green light to publish you, as well as an agreement with our publication decisions. Please make sure to check your spam folders, in case any of our messages may have landed there.
NB: We receive many submissions. Our number of slots being limited, the publication date we highlight in our email may change. We strongly recommend subscribing to our blog to receive news in your inbox, as we do not have time to contact each artist individually beyond our initial acceptance email.
Requests for submission withdrawals sent after the 21-day window will be subject to a fee to compensate us for our time.
See you soon for another topic covered in our FAQ series and don’t forget to check out our latest submission calls!