Hello everyone!
We have some fantastic news to share with you. We know that it will be both exciting and a massive relief to you.
Further to our previous communication, our PoArtMo Anthology (Volume 2) has now been filled with additional content and we have enough material to move forward with the Anthology!
Congratulations to the artists whose beautiful works will be featured in this upcoming new release. Their names are found in our updated artists list below:
Poetry: Amanda Baker, KB Ballentine, Beth Brody, Lakshman Bulusu, Claire Champommier, John Collins, Tara Dasso, Lynn DeLong, Stacie Eirich, Nicole S. Entin, Casandra Hernández Ríos, D. R. James, Emory Jones, Jackie Kirman, Virginia Kovach, Brice Maiurro, Zia Marshall, Julia McNamara, Kathryn Sadakierski, Anna Sallee, Julie A. Sellers, Wesley Sims, Giuseppe Sloan, Mike Todd, and Shelby Wilson.
Six word stories: Cindelle Ancajas, Amanda Baker, Melissa Frentsos, Lisa Marie Lopez, and Chris Slade.
Short stories and flash fiction: TR Biggar, Sharon Dockweiler, Lorraine Horsley, Smita Das Jain, Rati Pednekar, Sabiha Rizvi, Anna Sallee, and J.W. Wood.
Visual art: Azelle Elric, Theodore Heublein, Ángeles M. Pomata, Annette Solakoglu, and Justin Smith.
From the editors: a flashku and a pareiku.
What’s Next?
Now that the future outlook of the Anthology is finally looking a lot more secure, we are looking for some passionate individuals who are keen to promote it and themselves when it comes out.
Are you one of the selected artists on the list above? If so, we would like to offer you the opportunity to be featured on our blog or PoArtMo Podcast. Rules:
- If you have paid the full fee ($6 per piece), you are entitled to a full interview on our blog or our PoArtMo Podcast. You will have to let us know what you prefer.
- If you have paid a partial fee / donation (starting at $3 per piece), you are entitled to a mini-interview on our blog (3-4 questions).
Contact Us Via Email to Either Confirm or Reconfirm Your Interest
Because of our very busy schedules, we are unable to contact each selected contributor separately. So, whether you have previously confirmed your interest in the interview or not, we are asking you to reach out to us via email. This extra step will ensure that we can save time and publish the Anthology within a reasonable timeframe.
Email address: info@abpositiveart.com
Deadline to confirm your interest in being interviewed: October 10, 2021 (11:59 p.m. CDT)
(Once again, only the selected contributors who have paid a fee will qualify for an interview on our blog or a guest spot on our PoArtMo podcast)
We look forward to sharing further news with you soon regarding the Anthology, once the editing process is completed!
Happy creating folks and as always, thanks for reading.
David & Cendrine.