Auroras & Blossoms Creative Literary Journal (Issue 2) Is out Today!

Auroras & Blossoms Creative Literary Journal – Issue 2

Hello everyone!

That’s it! Auroras & Blossoms Creative Literary Journal (Issue 2) is out!

Join us today at 3pm PT / 5 pm CT / 6 pm ET for a special PoArtMo Show celebrating the release of the issue. You can watch the show on Facebook or YouTube.

Issue 2 is available for the special price of $6.99 $4.99 until April 21, 2021! Just click on the cover below to purchase your copy.

Note to everyone: As editors, we vet submissions carefully to ensure that they check all the publication boxes. We also rely on an artist’s honesty when they fill out our form.

Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, one submission was found to violate the Amazon rule regarding content available freely and widely on the Internet. Amazon caught that violation (which was close to impossible for us to notice due to the way everything was written) and informed us via our distributor that they had blocked us from selling issue 2 on Amazon. We have still managed to get it published on other major platforms, including Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and many more places. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause you!

Note to all paying contributors and donors to issue 2: Please email us within the next seven days so we can send you your complimentary copy.

We look forward to feedback and comments on the issue!

Have a wonderful weekend!

David & Cendrine

Announcing the Flashku!

The Flashku

Hello folks!

Cendrine recently created a new literary genre that fits perfectly what we do at Auroras & Blossoms. We believe that its uniqueness will appeal to many of you! It’s called the Flashku.

The flashku is a short flash fiction piece that borrows elements from the sixku, the kindku, and the haiku. So, basically, it’s poetic prose!

How does it work? The rules are very simple:

  1. 50-100 words only.
  2. 7 words must be taken from another piece (credits mandatory)
  3. Inspired by an image (permission and credits mandatory)
  4. Minimal descriptions
  5. Climax at about 80% through the piece (not a hard rule, just a way to guide your writing)
  6. Positive / inspirational twist or resolution at the end

That’s it!

Here is an example of flashku

The Puddle

When they greeted each other, she asked herself if it was love. 

Suddenly, the reflection in the puddle was disturbed. “Pitter-patter,” said the rain. They smiled

“The garden is not far. Just at the end of the road,” he said, gently inviting her to follow him. Their wanderings together always were a unique source of comfort. So, she jumped over the puddle… 

Mesmerized by the crackling fire, she remembered the silence of their first kiss. 

And now, a lifetime later, as they looked at each other, she finally knew. 


© 2021 Cendrine Marrouat

Flashku inspired by Kahlil Gibran’s The Wanderer

Image credits: Cendrine Marrouat

We hope that you will enjoy experimenting with this very unique literary genre. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Thanks for reading and as always, happy writing!

Cendrine & David

Inspirational Art Series – Path through a Field of Bluebonnets (Robert Julian Onderdonk)

Hello folks,

The Inspirational Art Series seeks to highlight classical pieces that make our hearts skip a beat, are likely to brighten your day, and will help your artistic creativity!

Today’s pick is the painting titled “Path through a Field of Bluebonnets” (1920s).

Also known as “the father of Texas painting”, Robert Julian Onderdonk (1882-1922) painted many bluebonnet landscapes in his career. The oil painting above is one of his most famous pieces.

“Path through a Field of Bluebonnets” is a very charming painting. The simplicity of the brushwork helps establish a dreamy (albeit otherworldly) atmosphere, which the viewer is invited to step into at their leisure. The bluebonnets feels so close that you could almost smell and touch them!

“Path through a Field of Bluebonnets” has a very photography-like quality.

Inspired by this piece?

Create your own artwork and submit it to us for potential inclusion in one of our publications. We now offer ongoing royalties to paying contributors.

Inspirational Artist Series: Nonkululeko Nxumalo

The Inspirational Artist Series spotlights some of the artists featured in our issues and anthologies, and who have moved us in specific ways.

Today’s guest is Writer Nonkululeko Nxumalo, whose flash fiction piece will appear in the next issue of the Auroras & Blossoms Creative Literary Journal.

How does a story begin for you? Does it start with an image, a form or a particular theme?

I draw inspiration from events that happened in my life or are currently happening. Other times it would simply be inspiration from other people’s experiences, with a whole lot of fiction.

So for me, a story begins with a certain feeling or just imagining how something must have made that person feel, because ultimately I not only want my readers to imagine the story, but to feel it as well.

Are there any genres you haven’t tried yet but would like to?

Yes, definitely. My genre is more new adult and women’s fiction, but I would love to try my hand at children’s literature.

What is your relationship with your speaking and your written voices?

My speaking voice is very dormant. I write more than I speak. It has always been like that and it will most probably remain that way. 🙂

Have you considered getting other people to read your stories or is it important for you to be the one to perform your work to an audience?

Whether I read my stories to an audience or someone else does it, it doesn’t really matter to me. As long as the story does to people what is intended for it to do.

How important is accessibility of the meaning of your stories? Should we have to work hard to “solve” them and discover their deeper meanings?

I don’t want my stories to be hard to understand or for my readers to rack their brains trying to discover their deeper meanings. It’s very important for my stories to be clear and deep at the same time.

Has your own opinion or idea of what writing is changed since you first started?

I’ve loved writing stories since primary school and it was a hobby I enjoyed so much. When I first started writing, it was easy, because as a kid there’s very little that you pay attention to like grammar, sentence structuring and all the processes that writing involves. Whether your story is one big paragraph with very little commas and full stops, it doesn’t really matter. The story is what matters. When you’re older on the other hand, it’s different. Too many nitty-gritties to consider when you are writing. So yes, my idea of what writing really is has definitely changed since I first started writing.

Anything else you would like to share?

I have recently launched my career as a freelance writer. After years of working a 9 to 5 job, I have finally said yes to my calling. I have been in the freelancing business for less than a year and am still working on getting my work out there. I have an essay that was published on the SolomonStar Online News Portal and am also working on more fiction pieces.


Nonkululeko Nxumalo is an emerging writer from South Africa. This undergraduate student aspires to pursue a career in writing. You can also often find her curled up on the couch reading fiction and autobiographies.



Nonkululeko, thank you for answering our questions and supporting Auroras & Blossoms! We know that people will love the flash fiction piece you submitted to us!

Cendrine & David

Auroras & Blossoms Creative Literary Journal (Issue 2): Cover Reveal!

Hello everyone!

Last week, we shared the names of the artists who will appear in issue 2. Now, time to reveal the cover of the issue!

Auroras & Blossoms Creative Literary Journal – Issue 2

As you can see, we went for a spring vibe with this new cover.

We are going to do things differently from usual. There will be no pre-order period for the issue. We will announce the release in early April, on the same day it is published. Of course, you will still be able to purchase the issue for a special price. The promo will run for two weeks.

Next week, we have a special interview for you. Writer and author Nonkululeko Nxumalo, whose work is featured in the upcoming issue, will be our guest. You don’t want to miss that!

In the meantime…

Check our Our Current Submission Call

The PoArtMo Anthology (Volume 2)After our very successful first edition, the PoArtMo Anthology is back! We want your most inspirational art created in 2020-2021.

We accept poetry, poetry-graphy, photography, short stories, six word stories, essays, flash fiction, drawings and paintings. New this year: A second anthology featuring works dedicated to 13-16 year-old artists!

Have a wonderful week!

David & Cendrine

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