PoArtMo Anthology (Volume 2): Selected Artists!

Hello everyone!

We have some fantastic news to share with you. Our PoArtMo Anthology (Volume 2) was filled much faster than we anticipated!

Congratulations to the artists whose beautiful works will be featured in this upcoming new release. Their names are below:

Poetry: Amanda Baker, Lakshman Bulusu, Claire Champommier, Tara Dasso, Lynn DeLong, Ken Allan Dronsfield, Stacie Eirich, Nicole S Entin, Casandra Hernández Ríos, D. R. James, Emory Jones, Brice Maiurro, Zia Marshall, Julia McNamara, Kathryn Sadakierski, Anna Sallee, Wesley Sims, Giuseppe Sloan, Bri Stoever, Mike Todd, and Shelby Wilson.

Six word stories: Cindelle Ancajas, Amanda Baker, Melissa Frentsos, Lisa Marie Lopez, and Chris Slade.

Short stories and flash fiction: Rati Pednekar, Anna Sallee, and J.W. Wood.

Visual art: Azelle Elric, Ángeles Martínez Pomata, and Annette Solakoglu.

What’s Next?

We are currently very busy with several individual projects, but we hope to start working on the formatting and editing of the PoArtMo Anthology (Volume 2) in a week or two. Keep an eye on our blog for our cover reveal!

In the meantime…

David & Cendrine

The FAQ Series: Do You Accept Content Previously Published Elsewhere?

Many of you have sent us the same questions over and over via email. That is why we created a very detailed FAQ and Philosophy pages to help you.

But we wanted to make things even easier by breaking down all the questions into easy-to-digest posts.

Today’s question is: “Do you accept content previously published elsewhere?

Yes, we do, as long as:

  • It is NOT widely available on the internet via a blog (no matter its size and traffic), Facebook, Twitter, Wattpad, etc. – This rule is due to Amazon’s restrictions.
  • The rights have reverted back to you for publication and you are allowed to re-publish your piece(s). However, we ask that you wait for at least a year after the rights revert back to you before sending it to us.

You are free to submit your art elsewhere that is published in our anthologies. You retain all of the publishing rights to your work. We ask for first international publication rights to your work that we publish, which then revert back to you after three months.

NB: We will never use your work in any context other than its inclusion in our digital anthologies, which you give us permission to do when submitting work to us.

See you soon for another topic covered in our FAQ series and don’t forget to check out our current submission calls!

PoArtMo Podcast – Interview with Katherine McDaniel of Synkroniciti Magazine

We are very excited to share a wonderful interview we recently conducted with Katherine McDaniel.

Katherine McDaniel is classically trained opera singer, poet, painter, and the founder / director of Synkroniciti, “a creative incubator for new art and performance, where generous artists from varied disciplines collaborate to create original work which inspires awareness of the human condition. Based in Houston, Texas, we seek to weave together diverse elements, including visual art, literature, music, theatre, dance, and film. Our latest creation is Synkroniciti Magazine, which seeks to find and amplify new voices from all over the globe.”

Katherine tells us more about what makes Synkroniciti such a unique magazine.

You can listen to the interview below.

Connect with Katherine McDaniel and Synkroniciti:

Have a wonderful weekend!

Cendrine & David

The FAQ Series: Do You Produce Print Copies of Your Anthologies?

Many of you have sent us the same questions over and over via email. That is why we created a very detailed FAQ and Philosophy pages to help you.

But we wanted to make things even easier by breaking down all the questions into easy-to-digest posts.

Today’s question is: “Do you produce print copies of your anthologies?

No, Auroras & Blossoms is a digital platform. We only release digital copies of our publications, which can be purchased from all major online bookstores.

The reason is simple. The cost of printing multimedia books that contain visual content is very high, while the demand tends to be very low. Should we were to consider offering a printing option, the price per copy would run very high and become too expensive for many people. This is especially the case for anthologies, whose quality is extremely important and which can contain up to fifty pieces, which further drives up printing costs.

Other questions:

  • Do you offer contributors copies of your publications at reduced prices? – Yes, every time an issue of an anthology is released, you will be able to purchase a copy at a reduced price for two weeks.
  • Can I read extracts from the work you publish on your blog? – No. We use our blog to share art-related content, and our news / announcements. We also feature inspirational artists there. You can read extracts on Amazon. Just click the cover of your choice to access the first pages of the issue.

See you soon for another topic covered in our FAQ series and don’t forget to check out our latest submission calls!

Announcing the June Winner of our Newsletter Subscriber Contest

Hello there everyone!

Did you know that you could win a free submission to one of our anthologies? This free entry will also include a free digital copy of the magazine, if we decide to select your work for publication!

We will select one random winner every month.

We are very happy to announce a winner for June. And the winner is: Siobhan McLaughlin. Congratulations Siobhan!

Please get in touch with us at info@abpositiveart.com, you have until June 22, 2021, to collect your prize and we will then send you the entry form for our current anthologies.

If any of you would like to have a chance to win a free submission, then don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter. Click the link below and fill in the simple form.


We look forward to picking another random winner from our subscribers in July.

Keep making great art folks!

David & Cendrine

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