Hello everyone!
2021 has been a time of reflection for us. For many months, we wondered how to make Auroras & Blossoms more inclusive of the diversity of voices in this world.
We love featuring inspirational artists in our publications. But we also believe that it is important to give a platform to those who do not consider themselves artists and still do inspirational things. Their work matters too!
We are delighted to announce that Auroras & Blossoms is changing and growing! Read below for more information.
Our Logo

Did you notice the acronym “A.R.T.” has replaced the word “art”?
The acronym stands for “Actions Rally Thoughts.” This motto means that art is no longer the sole focus of our platform. From now on, we also want to feature narratives, anecdotes, stories, and testimonies that nurture hope and optimism in every facet of life.
So who can submit to us? Anyone who has a positive story to share. This includes business owners, entrepreneurs, activists, artists, philanthropists, and anyone else in between, especially young people ages 13 and over. If you are working on an uplifting project or concept, we want to hear from you as well!
This change also applies to PoArtMo, which now stands for “Positive Actions Rally Thoughts & Momentum.”
PoArtMo remains a yearly movement, of course. But now it is an invitation to business owners, entrepreneurs, activists, artists, philanthropists, and anyone else in between (ages 13 and over) to come together to bring positivity and upliftment to the forefront.
The PoArtMo Collective
Last but not least, the PoArtMo Collective has turned into an exclusive network of people (entrepreneurs, business owners, artists, activists, philanthropists, and anyone else in between, especially young people) who follow the “Positive Actions Rally Thoughts & Momentum” mantra.
The collective offers opportunities for members to collaborate with one another on uplifting projects (books and exhibitions), build relationships, and support one another.
Membership to the collective is free but requires an application process. Visit this page for more information.
We hope that you will enjoy the changes we have implemented and cannot wait to read your feedback. We know that today’s announcement is a great new step in our journey!
David & Cendrine.