Author: Auroras & Blossoms Page 9 of 30

We live and breathe PoArtMo (Positive Actions Rally Thoughts & Momentum). We are inclusive and family-friendly. Join us!

The PoArtMo Anthology (Youth Edition) Series: Celebrating Inspiration with Abigail Kim & Tatum Zola

Hello everyone!

Welcome to our PoArtMo Anthology (Youth Edition) Series, which celebrates the talented young creatives featured in The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition (Volume 2).

Today, Abigail Kim and Tatum Zola are telling us what inspired the pieces they sent us.

Abigail Kim

Abigail Kim (U.S.) enjoys gymnastics and sewing, and would like to become a teacher. Her role model is Simone Biles.

Abigail sent us the story titled See You Next Saturday!:

“See You Next Saturday!” is inspired by my experience of how I reacted to meeting autistic students as a young kid. As I started to write, I felt surrounded by shame and guilt about how I had initially looked down on the students, treating them like they were “different”. I had never interacted with autistic students so I didn’t know how to be flexible and respectful around them.

I thought that sharing my story would help prevent others from making the same mistakes and judgments as I did. I hoped that the reader would understand and be aware that these students weren’t any different from the rest of us. Maybe they communicate in unique ways and act uncommonly, but they are still human like all of us!

Through this story, I tried to demonstrate that these students and I were able to sing, laugh, and enjoy music like any other human. I hoped for the reader to be inspired to free themselves from the lenses of judgment, and instead start seeking the great qualities that people have. I know that in this story, it was difficult for me to throw away these lenses of judgment. However, it wasn’t too challenging to find the wonderful qualities in these students when a student yelled to me, “See you next Saturday!”

Tatum Zola

Tatum Zola (Eugene, U.S.) enjoys writing, drawing, and creating, and would like to become a writer. “My role model is Khaled Hosseini. Reading his books The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns moved me and made me begin to wonder if I could create art like that.”

Tatum sent us the poem titled Morse Code:

“Morse code”, in a nutshell, is a representation of a teenage girl; her thoughts, feelings, and how the world perceives her. Oftentimes, people struggle with feeling reserved and quiet, particularly in group settings. Refraining from speaking up can be an adaptive way to avoid the risks of embarrassment, rejection or ostracism, even if it comes at the cost of someone’s own self expression. This poem was meant to connect the experience of social anxiety to the literal concept of Morse code; a language that, like the inner experience of worry, is often silent. Each stanza is broken up by the line ‘dot’ or ‘dash’, and when connected these letters spell out ‘silent’.

Learning to cope with social anxiety is a struggle for many adolescents. I’ve found that creating works of literature to express my own worries has helped me come to terms with the daily occurrences I once feared. Because of this, I ended my poem on a hopeful note, with a recognizable journey from a place of self-deprecation, to self-acceptance. While the road is long, and gaining back the confidence that can accompany pre-adolescent childhood innocence is no easy feat, this poem serves as a call to take the first step.

Abigail and Tatum, thank you for sharing what inspired your pieces. We know that people will love your work as much as we do!

The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition (Volume 2) will be released on March 23, 2023. In the meantime, you can pre-order your copy for 50% off the regular price. Offer ends on March 23, 2023.

Cendrine & David

Please note that Auroras & Blossoms only releases digital copies (ebooks) of its anthologies. This allows us to keep our costs and book prices low, and avoid charging young participants for submitting to us.

Contributors Pick Their Favorite Pieces from ‘The PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3’ (4)

Hello everyone!

Welcome to our mini-series, in which contributors to The PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3 tell us about their favorite pieces from the book.

Today, we focus on Cendrine Marrouat’s picks.

Cendrine’s Favorite Picks from Other Contributors

“Sleep” (Azelle Elric)

I have been a fan of Azelle’s work for many years. Looking at her drawings always puts me in a good mood.

“Sleep” was a ‘love at first sight’ kind of experience for me. Its ethereal, dream-like quality reminds me of my favorite painting by Eugène Carrière — one of the most unique French artists of the 19th century.

If there is one drawing Azelle should be remembered for, it is this one. I consider it a masterpiece.

Drive-Thru Dog” (Meaghan Beatty)

“Drive-Thru Dog” was the first entry I read from Meaghan. I was hooked from the first line.

There is a lot to like about this story, but my favorite elements are its simplicity and minimalism. No long-winded descriptions, just a short series of moments leading to the happy conclusion.

“Drive-Thru Dog” would make a great prologue to a novel.

Cendrine’s Backstory about Her Own Favorite Contribution: “Pareiku: Here and There”

I am one of the slowest writers on the face of the earth. It usually takes me an inordinate amount of time to pen a poem. Once in a while though, something clicks in my brain. The words align on the page without any effort on my part.

“Here and There” wrote itself in a unique way. The second line came first, followed by the first line. I only picked the two images when it was time to work on the last part. I never get tired of reading it!

For those who don’t know what the Pareiku is, here is more information here.

About Cendrine Marrouat

Cendrine Marrouat is a poet, photographer, fiction writer, podcaster, and the co-founder of Auroras & Blossoms and PoArtMo. She has authored and co-authored more than 40 books, including Tree Reflections (2022), In Her Own Words: A Collection of Short Stories & Flashku (2022), After the Fires of Day: Haiku Inspired by Kahlil Gibran & Alphonse de Lamartine (2021), and Songs in Our Paths: Haiku & Photography (2020–2021).

She is the creator of the Sixku, Flashku, Sepigram, and Reminigram; as well as the co-creator of the Kindku, Pareiku, Vardhaku, and Hemingku.


About “The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3”

The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3 features the positive and uplifting works of four artists — Azelle Elric (drawings), Meaghan Beatty (essays), Cendrine Marrouat (poetry), and David Ellis (poetry).

The anthology is available for pre-orders everywhere ebooks are sold (except for Amazon). We are running a special until August 30, 2022 — 50% off!

NB: When you purchase a copy of the anthology, you will not just support Auroras & Blossoms. Every contributor will also be remunerated in the form of royalty payment.

Click HERE to purchase a copy.

Contributors Pick Their Favorite Pieces from ‘The PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3’ (3)

Hello everybody!

Welcome to our mini-series, in which contributors to The PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3 tell us about their favorite pieces from the book.

Today, we focus on my own picks from the anthology.

David’s Favorite Picks from Other Contributors

“Coffee & Baseball” (Meaghan Beatty)

I chose this particular piece of Meaghan’s because of the resonance that it has within me. My father had Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson’s Disease towards the end of his life, coupled with his other disabilities of blindness, partial deafness and mobility issues, which made things very difficult for him on a daily basis when he was diagnosed a few years ago. He finally passed away midway through last year.

When reading Meghan’s story, it evoked memories and feelings about my father in natural ways that allowed me to reminisce of the good old times that we shared together, be it through good food/drink, fondness of music (which would always elevate his mode significantly) and thoughtful conversation with each other. It also helped remind me that there are other people who have had similar experiences and that we are not alone in having to deal with family trauma or having loved ones succumb to the ravages of diseases.

Coffee & Baseball is a sweet, heart-warming tale about making the most of what you have got with the time you have left. It is beautifully poignant, sincere, evocative and very well written.

Sepigram: “From the Sea” (Cendrine Marrouat)

The sepigram is a very unique poetry form invented by Cendrine. In her poem “From the Sea”, she shows how deftly the rhythmic flow of the form can be used to create a passionate piece that visually builds in lyrical intensity to complement the nature of the words themselves.

This poem speaks volumes to me, I can imagine it being sung out loud, each refrain more powerful than the last. There is exuberance, sensual wisdom, explosions of fizzy textures, bold, illustrious magnificence that truly is as captivating as the very sea itself.

Definitely a piece to savour multiple times, it gets better with each passing, another impressive poetic gem that sits like one of the biggest jewels in the crown of this collection.

David’s Backstory about His Own Favorite Contribution: Kindku: “Wonderfully Wild Renewal”

I have several pieces in the anthology but this is the one that really jumps out to me for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, it utilises the Kindku form that Cendrine & I co-invented. You can find out more about our forms here.

Secondly, I wanted to imbue this piece as a celebration of giddy summer warmth, joy, happiness and freedom or liberation from the stresses of our everyday lives.

Its message is simple in nature and stature but one that we should be constantly mindful of, if we are to maintain our own healthy sense of wellbeing.

About David Ellis

David Ellis lives in Tunbridge Wells, Kent in the UK. He is an award-winning poet, author of poetry, marketing workbooks/journals, humorous fiction and music lyrics. He is also the co-founder of Auroras & Blossoms, and the co-creator of PoArtMo (Positive Actions Rally Thoughts & Momentum) and the Kindku.

David’s debut poetry collection (Life, Sex & Death) won an International Award in the Readers’ Favorite Book Awards 2016 for Inspirational Poetry books.

David is extremely fond of tea, classic and contemporary poetry, cats, and dogs but not snakes. Indiana Jones is his spirit animal.


About “The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3”

The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3 features the positive and uplifting works of four artists — Azelle Elric (drawings), Meaghan Beatty (essays), Cendrine Marrouat (poetry), and David Ellis (poetry).

The anthology is available for pre-orders everywhere ebooks are sold (except for Amazon). We are running a special until August 30, 2022 — 50% off!

NB: When you purchase a copy of the anthology, you will not just support Auroras & Blossoms. Every contributor will also be remunerated in the form of royalty payment.

Click HERE to purchase a copy.

‘The PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3’ Is Out Today!

Hello everyone!

That’s it, folks! The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3 is officially out!

This edition of our yearly anthology features a variety of works by four contributors: Azelle Elric (drawings), Meaghan Beatty (essays), David Ellis (poetry), and Cendrine Marrouat (poetry).

Check out our video trailer below.

The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3 is available for purchase everywhere ebooks are sold (except for Amazon). We cannot wait for you to tell us what you think! Don’t forget to send us your reviews or share them online. Goodreads is a great start!

Click HERE to order your copy!

NB: When you purchase a copy of the anthology, you will not just support Auroras & Blossoms. Every contributor will also be remunerated in the form of royalty payment.

As a reminder, we only publish ebooks. The cost of releasing print books that contain visual content is too high, which would make our anthologies too expensive for most readers to buy.

Do you want to help us spread the word about the anthology? Save the banner below and add it to your blog, website or social media posts. Make sure you link to the book:

Thank you all for your support! Have a wonderful end of week.

Contributors Pick Their Favorite Pieces from ‘The PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3’ (2)

Hello everyone!

Welcome to our mini-series, in which contributors to The PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3 tell us about their favorite pieces from the book.

Today, we focus on Meaghan Beatty’s picks.

Meaghan’s Favorite Picks from Other Contributors

Pareiku: “The Wonderment of the World in Their Eyes” (David Ellis)

Ellis’s piece entitled “The Wonderment of the World in Their Eyes” brought me joy and hopefulness in simple and few words. Our innate mindfulness and playful curiosity about the world is so perceptible in the actions of children and animals, even during the hum-drum of our everyday routines.

I am grateful for the children and pets in my life; their dependence and presence serve as reminders to try to live according to my values.

“Medusa and her Snake” (Azelle Elric)

Imaginative and familiar, “Medusa and her Snake” communicated to me that art is not required to be serious, mysterious, or visually abstract, and that humor can be refreshing and relatable.

As a writer, I love stories, and my favorites feature dialectical and dynamic characters. A presenter at a writers’ conference that I attended said “every antagonist is the protagonist of their own story.” I love that idea, and often wonder how the “bad guys” became bad, and whether they are “bad” at all. A simple reversal of perspective can evoke complicated emotions, thoughts and conversations.

Here, I imagine Medusa as the protagonist of her own story. I’m curious and want someone to tell that story!

Meaghan’s Backstory about Her Own Favorite Contribution: “The Day I Met Jim”

“The Day I Met Jim,” touches on themes of mental illness, vulnerability, hope, and healthcare. By the essay’s end, the reader learns I’ve taken a chance to build trust with a therapist. As a patient and nurse, I believe therapy can improve quality of life, and even save lives. Along with psychotherapy (talking), there are other modalities: cognitive and skills based therapies, therapeutic play, animal and expressive therapies (music, dance, art), medication, aromatherapy, massage, acupuncture, meditation, etc. Often, combinations are helpful.

In this essay, I begin the session without hope or motivation, but quickly develop optimism. In reality, I did continue therapy, but largely to appease others. Treatment can help, but it’s expensive, and the healthcare system is difficult to navigate.

Therapy requires emotional energy and doesn’t help immediately. I began treatment at age seventeen; now 35, I continue to struggle with mood dysregulation, sometimes coping in unhelpful or unhealthy ways. Therapy doesn’t cure, but it does heal. It allowed me to develop positive relationships, confidence, and physical health that I don’t believe would have otherwise been attainable.

NB* Though I’m a health professional, the purpose of my writing is reflection and connection; my essays in this anthology were written neither to educate nor to influence healthcare decisions. Please bring up questions or concerns related to physical or mental health to family members, friends, and providers as appropriate.

About Meaghan Beatty

Meaghan Beatty is a pediatric nurse. She lives with her dog (Clementine) and her fiancé in Boston, Massachusetts. She loves running with her pup, writing in many genres, and spending time with her family, especially her young nieces and step-son.

About “The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3”

The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3 features the positive and uplifting works of four artists — Azelle Elric (drawings), Meaghan Beatty (essays), Cendrine Marrouat (poetry), and David Ellis (poetry).

The anthology is available for pre-orders everywhere ebooks are sold (except for Amazon). We are running a special until August 30, 2022 — 50% off!

NB: When you purchase a copy of the anthology, you will not just support Auroras & Blossoms. Every contributor will also be remunerated in the form of royalty payment.

Click HERE to purchase a copy.

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