Hello everyone!

We have two pieces of news to share with you today. We’ll start with the good one.

That’s it, the wait is over! The Auroras & Blossoms NaPoWriMo Anthology: 2020 Edition is out! We want to thank all the poets who helped make this anthology a reality:

Donna Allard, Chandni Asnani, Maria L. Berg, Jamie Brian, Jimena Cerda, Jaewon Chang, Ravichandra Chittampalli, Sandra Christensen, Mimi DiFrancesca, Fiona D’Silva, Kate Duff, Judy Dykstra-Brown, Amanda M. Eifert, Stacie Eirich, Michael Erickson, Deveree Extein, Jack M. Freedman, Alicia Grimshaw, Jenny Hayut, Patrick Jennings, Liam Kennedy, Ting Lam, Rose Loving, Michele Mekel, Ally Nellmapius, William Reynolds, Madhumita Sarangi, Anna Schoenbach, Julie A. Sellers, Jonathan Shipley, Dorian J. Sinnott, Krupali Trivedi, Angela van Son, Michele Vecchitto, Penny Wilkes, and Gemma Wiseman.

As editors, we are blown away by your talent. Your commitment to bringing positivity to the forefront (despite very trying times) is exactly what Auroras & Blossoms stands for!

To purchase a copy of The Auroras & Blossoms NaPoWriMo Anthology: 2020 Edition, click here.

Now onto the bad news. We have made the difficult decision to cancel the PoArtMo 2020 Contest. The reason is simple: After three weeks, the number of entries that did not fit the criteria of the contest had far outweighed the number of qualifying entries, hence creating a lot of extra work for us.

With that said, we are happy to report that our call for submissions to the PoArtMo 2020 Anthology has received more positive attention. As a result, we are extending the deadline for the PoArtMo 2020 Anthology to August 23, 2020! So, please continue submitting to us!

NB: The PoArtMo Anthology is open to all types of artists, not just poets.

Stay inspired, friends!

David & Cendrine