Announcing the Names of the Contributors to Our Haiku Anthology!

Hello everyone!

As we mentioned previously, the submission call for our Haiku Anthology was our most successful to date. With almost 1,500 haiku received, we are sure that you can imagine how challenging the selection process must have been!

One thing that you may not know about us. We have a higher rate of acceptance than most publications, because we believe in giving a voice to as many creatives as possible. If your work is inspiring / uplifting, and (of course) follows our rules, we will do our best to include it in our anthologies. 

That is the reason why, when we saw how many excellent haiku we would have to reject, we decided that one volume would not be enough. And in fact, we settled on three volumes, each of which will contain about 90 haiku!  

Today, we would like to share the names of our featured contributors. Check out the list below.

Volume 1

Sergio Coronel, Paula Frew, Precious Gauthier, Joelle A Godfrey, Tom Heath, Molly James, Stephanie Jane, Diane Meyer Lowman, Steven-Mark Maine, Isabella Mori, Kari Moss, Nichola Napora, Samantha Ortega, Felicia Prevo, Marjolein Rotsteeg, Pallavi Suri, Ellen Tandojo, Amanda Weir-Gertzog, Jamie Wimberly, Julia Yong LaFrance, and Jade Young.

Volume 2

Sissel Almgren, Kristen Balyeat, Julie Blitzer, Bonnie L. Boucek, Bill Cox, Prisha Dalal, Erinola Daranijo, Mawadda Elbanhawy, Hanna Melo Fugulin, Patricia Henery, Jane Hunter, Tom Islava, Raveena Kaur Potiwal, Jim Landwehr, Robert Miller, Sean Patrick, Abby Pepple, Larissa Pereira Moraes, Moe Phillips, Nicole Reese, Lydia Ruanna, Isabella Stoddart, and Jasmine Wang.

Volume 3

Sarah Ambata, Ruby Appleby, Flo Au, Papp Győző Benedek, Joshua Blaine, Sierra Conn, Lauren Cuppy, Danny Daw, Mary Beth Defer, Timothy Dillehay, Connor Flinn, Darby Goulden, Farah Aqeelah Marwilis binti Helmi, Edward Cody Huddleston, Govind Joshi, Chris Langer, Ella Leith, Leo Liu, Fionntán Macdonald, Jemma Marie, Beth McCoy, Alex McMahon, Templeton Moss, Yvette O’Kay, Siddhi Pawar, Vishnu Rai, Archer Roehrig, Ayodele Sasegbon, Thomas Shaw, Ruben Whitter, and Ting Ze Zhi, Isaac.

What’s Next?

We are currently working on the manuscripts and the book cover. We hope to be able to share the latter with you within the next two weeks. And then, we will announce the release date for each volume.

In the meantime, be sure to leave a comment below to congratulate our featured contributors.

Have a wonderful week!

Cendrine & David



An Update about Our Haiku Anthology


It’s Cover Reveal Day!


  1. Congrats to all the writers! Exciting news!!

  2. Diane L Lowman

    Stunning covers! Kudos all around!

  3. Bonnie L Boucek

    Congratulations to all the poets! I cannot wait to read your haiku.

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