Hello everyone!

Welcome to our mini-series, in which contributors to The PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3 tell us about their favorite pieces from the book.

Today, we focus on Azelle Elric’s picks.

Azelle’s Favorite Picks from Other Contributors

Kindku: “The Tabby of My Land” (Cendrine Marrouat)

My first choice is obviously biased 😉

I love cats, Ginger ones are quite exquisite creatures! This kindku shows a mutual love between twin souls. It’s simple, clear and lovely. That’s why I love it !

Vardhaku: “The Feeling of Home” (David Ellis)

When reading this vardhaku, I feel something mysterious and peaceful about it. I find this poetic form perfect to express this sensation of peace while looking at a beautiful and watery scenery, an almost dreamlike sensation which is particularly pleasant.

Azelle’s Backstory about Her Own Favorite Contribution: “Tea Faerie”

I love tea and coffee -a lot- and I also love experimenting while drawing.

Tea and coffee stains are enjoyable to use when coloring artworks. “Tea Faerie” is the happy result of one of these experiments: a mix between tea stains, calligraphic pen, white ink, and a lot of fun.

I must admit that I am very proud of this artwork and how it turned out since experimental results can be hazardous at times.

About Azelle Elric

Azelle Elric is happy girl who loves drawing, cats, books, and Japanese animation.

Website: https://www.instagram.com/elric_azelle

About “The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3”

The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3 features the positive and uplifting works of four artists — Azelle Elric (drawings), Meaghan Beatty (essays), Cendrine Marrouat (poetry), and David Ellis (poetry).

The anthology is available for pre-orders everywhere ebooks are sold (except for Amazon). We are running a special until August 30, 2022 — 50% off!

NB: When you purchase a copy of the anthology, you will not just support Auroras & Blossoms. Every contributor will also be remunerated in the form of royalty payment.

Click HERE to purchase a copy.