Hello everyone!

Welcome to our PoArtMo Anthology (Youth Edition) Series, which celebrates the talented young creatives featured in The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition.

Today, Kusumita Kanango and Anurima Biswas are telling us what inspired the pieces they sent us

Kusumita Kanango

Kusumita Kanango (India) enjoys reading, penning poetry and music. “My mom inspires me to derive my strength and my happiness from within myself.” 

Kusumita sent us the poem titled We are the young dreamers:

‘‘Kissing you // Kissing the Moon’’ arose out of my urge to touch upon the love that loses its way in the distance. My vision is of the sweet bruise of unrequitedness, eclectic and palpable. The speaker yearns for the kiss of their beloved, the caress of their soft hands, the sound of their laughter, and find themselves having recurring fantasies as they balance on the verge of destruction.

My inspiration is scraps of moments; an amalgamation of rushed emotions, silvery nights, and quiet hearts shattering like glass. The moments of this poem are forlorn sighs and almost said words, unfulfilled nights and melancholic days.

Kusumita Kanango

Anurima Biswas

Anurima Biswas (West Bengal, India) enjoys writing, reading, photography, listening to soft and calming instrumental music, and flipping through art books and fashion magazines. She sees herself working and writing for a reputable magazine. “My role model would undoubtedly be my mom because I think it is the most difficult and strenuous task in the world. I look up to her each day, for her guidance and advice. She is very precious to me and I admire her work ethic. It would be an honor to live up to her expectations as an individual.” 

Anurima sent us the short story titled Under the Umbrella:

There were a million thoughts in my head which fired up this idea of writing such a piece of poetry.

The thought process was inspired by the 90s Indian romance films which took place in Mumbai and Calcutta at the time when romance was forbidden. I grew up watching these movies with my father and grandparents while eating potato chips and fruit soda.

Through the poem I wanted to convey the idea of love which is not portrayed by show but is felt from within. The lovers are not intimidated by the presence of other people in the rain and express themselves without holding anything back.

The message behind is pretty simple: love is not something you show as a trick or as false pretense but rather something of dedication, trust and openness. Lovers are unaware of the anxieties of the world and remain carefree.

Anurima Biswas

Kusumita and Anurima, thank you for sharing what inspired your pieces. We know that people will love your work as much as we do!

This is the last post in our PoArtMo Anthology (Youth Edition) Series. We hope that you enjoyed reading everything!

The Auroras & Blossoms PoArtMo Anthology: Youth Edition will be available very soon. Keep an eye on our blog for our upcoming release announcement!

Cendrine & David