The Flashku

Hello folks!

Cendrine recently created a new literary genre that fits perfectly what we do at Auroras & Blossoms. We believe that its uniqueness will appeal to many of you! It’s called the Flashku.

The flashku is a short flash fiction piece that borrows elements from the sixku, the kindku, and the haiku. So, basically, it’s poetic prose!

How does it work? The rules are very simple:

  1. 50-100 words only.
  2. 7 words must be taken from another piece (credits mandatory)
  3. Inspired by an image (permission and credits mandatory)
  4. Minimal descriptions
  5. Climax at about 80% through the piece (not a hard rule, just a way to guide your writing)
  6. Positive / inspirational twist or resolution at the end

That’s it!

Here is an example of flashku

The Puddle

When they greeted each other, she asked herself if it was love. 

Suddenly, the reflection in the puddle was disturbed. “Pitter-patter,” said the rain. They smiled

“The garden is not far. Just at the end of the road,” he said, gently inviting her to follow him. Their wanderings together always were a unique source of comfort. So, she jumped over the puddle… 

Mesmerized by the crackling fire, she remembered the silence of their first kiss. 

And now, a lifetime later, as they looked at each other, she finally knew. 


© 2021 Cendrine Marrouat

Flashku inspired by Kahlil Gibran’s The Wanderer

Image credits: Cendrine Marrouat

We hope that you will enjoy experimenting with this very unique literary genre. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Thanks for reading and as always, happy writing!

Cendrine & David